Building Azure function with Python
In this article, we talk about what we need to create an Azure function, what is HTTP triggers and bindings, how to test its functionality locally and how to publish it on Azure.
Learning PostgreSQL with Docker
This blog talks about how to create a PostgreSQL database and tables with Docker container and how to insert a dataframe into PostgreSQL database with Python.
Writing dataframes into an Excel template
People who are familiar with openpyxl know that we can use it to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files. In this blog, I will show you how to write values into an Excel template.
How to convert projected coordinates to latitude longitude by Python?
This blog talks about how to convert projected coordinates to latitude longitude with python module "pyproj".
Draw subway and tramway with folium
This blog talks about how to draw public transport lines with "folium" module in Python.
How to get geographic information by Google Geocoding API?
In this blog, I presented how to get coordinates and address by Google Geocoding API, and how to accomplish it by Python.
Data transformation with pandas vs. pyspark
This blog compares "pandas" and "pyspark" on data transformation with the following points: checking dataframe size, checking unique values of a column, creating a new column, filtering, selecting ...
How to apply mock with python unittest module?
This blog talks about how to apply mock with python unittest module, like use "unittest.mock" to simulate the behavior of complex or real objects, configure your mock instance with "return_value" o...
How to get a YouTube video's information with YouTube Data API by Python?
This blog talks about how to get YouTube video's/channel's information by YouTube Data API and Python scripts, like getting a video ID & channel ID with a query, getting a video’s statistics data w...
How to send E-mails with Python?
This blog introduces how to set up a fake SMTP server and send e-mails with python, and how to test sending e-mails with unittest.mock.
Learning pyspark with Docker
This blog talks about how to manipulate data with "pyspark" module in a Docker container.
33 things to know about pandas dataframe
33 things to know about pandas dataframe
24 things to know about pandas series
24 things to know about pandas series
Draw animated graphs with matplotlib
Matplotlib is a well-known python library used for data visualisation, we usually create static plots with it. But how if we create animated graph to present the evolution in terms of time? In this...
How to get places' reviews on Google by Google My Business API?
In the last blog, I talked about how to get places' reviews on Google by Place API, but we can get only 5 reviews at most by “Place Details”. If you want to extract all reviews of each location, yo...
How to get places' reviews on Google Maps by Place API?
This blog talks about how to get places' reviews on Google Maps by different API and Python scripts, like Google Geocoding API, Place Search API and Place Details API.
How to draw a variety of maps with folium in python?
This blog talks about how to draw a map with python module "folium", like how to display all locations with points or with cluster, how to paint areas with different colors, how to add labels or po...
How to draw a map with folium module in Python?
This blog talks about how to draw a map with python module "folium", like how to draw a basic map, to create a colormap, to add different layers and to customize title and legends.
How to improve pandas dataframe processing performance in Python?
In this blog I talked about how to improve `pandas` dataframe processing with the SQL query, `map` or `lambda` and some other quick tips.
Distance application in Data Science
In this blog, I talked about how to apply haversine distance and real distance with "haversine" python module and Google Distance Matrix API.
How to create a virtual environment by Python?
In this blog, I talked about why we create a virtual environment, how to create a virtual environment by Python and how to use virtual environment in Jupyter Notebook.
How to install python module fiona on Windows OS ?
In this blog, I talk about the requirements and the steps for installing module fiona on Windows OS.
Creating a python package for a python job
This blog introduces how we create a python package for a python job with package structure and some details like SQL queries and data extraction with python.
Python: Connection to SQL Server from Windows
This blog will talk about how to connect to SQL Server, connect to a specified database and extract data with pyodbc python module.
Python: Connection to Teradata Database
This blog will talk about how to connect to Teradata database and extract data with teradata python module.
Python: while loop
This blog presents how to acheive a while loop by python. Except for the basic using, you will also comprehend the infinite loop, nested while loop, if-else statement with while loop and loop of a ...
Python: for loop
This blog presents for loop for multiple data structures, like loop over a range, loop over a string, loop over a numpy array, loop over a list, loop over a dictionary, loop over a series and loop ...
Python: ISO 8601 date
This blog talks about applying ISO 8601 date by python such as ISO year, ISO week, ISO date; how to convert datetime format to ISO format and how to convert ISO format to datetime format.
Python: Converting between datetime and string
This blog talks about converting datetime between string and datetime with python. The principal python package we will use is datetime and dateutil.
Python PEP 328: import and build package
This blog follows PEP 328 to specify how to import package absolutely or relatively in Python and how to build package as well.
Automate python jobs by GitLab CI
Automating python scripts to run by GitLab CI (Runner) needs to configure with ".gitlab-ci.yml" with multiple parts like image, stage, only, manage environments and settings on GitLab.
Python: Apply regular expression with regex
Regular expressions provide a flexible way to search or match string patterns in text. A single expression, commonly called a regex, is a string formed according to the regular expression language....
How to manipulate excel workbook by Python?
This blog introduces how to use openpyxl package to manipulate Excel workbook and worksheet, like create a workbook and worksheet, write values in cells, set font(size, type, bold, italic), cut and...
Introduction to pandas data structures
pandas provides high-level data structures and functions designed to make working with structured or tabular data fast, easy and expressive. In this blog I’ll introduce 2 workhorse data structures:...
Array manipulation - R vs Python
In this blog, I will talk about array manipulation via R and Python. You will see how to create an array, insert and delete an element from a 1d-array and a 2d-array. Creating arrays R dim1 <...
Data structures - R vs Python
I’ve learnt python since the beginning of this year. In this blog, I’ll compare the data structures in R to Python briefly. Array R Atomic vectors one-dimensional array contain only one dat...