
My blog introduces how to use openpyxl package to manipulate Microsoft Excel workbook and worksheet, like create a workbook and worksheet, write values in cells, set font(size, type, bold, italic), cut and paste values from one cell to another, remove one row, merge cells, set number format, set cells’ background colors and center text in one cell, wrap text in one cell, reset columns’ width, set borders, hide grid, reset zoom scale, create named range and save the workbook.

Writing dataframes into an Excel template

People who are familiar with openpyxl know that we can use it to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files. In this blog, I will show you how to write values into an Excel template.

Excel: vlookup vs. index & match

In this blog, I presented 3 excel functions, `vlookup`, `index`, and `match`, on their usages, syntaxes, applied them in different use cases, and their pro & cons.

How to manipulate excel workbook by Python?

This blog introduces how to use openpyxl package to manipulate Excel workbook and worksheet, like create a workbook and worksheet, write values in cells, set font(size, type, bold, italic), cut and...